Gifts Anyone Can Make

Older woman playing with dog on the beach

Some gifts do not have to cost you anything today but support our mission in the future. These gifts include:

How It Works

  • Name WISE & Healthy Aging in your will, codicil to your will, living trust or as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance policy or donor-advised fund

  • Designate your gift for a particular purpose that is important to you, or allow us to use the gift where the need is greatest at the time it matures

  • Indicate a set amount, a percentage or the remaining balance to benefit our mission


  • Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime

  • You can modify your gift at any time to address changing circumstances

  • You can direct your gift to a particular purpose (be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended)

  • Under current federal tax law there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable gifts


Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about a WISE & Healthy Aging planned gift, please contact us.  We would be happy to provide you with additional information and options.

Those considering a planned gift should consult their own legal and tax advisors. We would be happy to speak with your advisors as well.